Legend of Caesar's birth
Very interesting read on how c-sections came to become prevalent around the world. It is interesting to note that the c-section rate in the US is a above 31%. The WHO mandates that the optimal levels of c-sections in any country should be between 5-15%. This makes logical sense. It is a known fact that 85% of all deliveries are completely normal. That is someone has to just stand there and catch the baby (preferably with clean hands).
I would never discount the pain that women have to go through childbirth (apparently ranked as the most painful human experience, followed at number 2 by testicular torsion). However, undergoing a surgery that has no health benefits for mother or child, and instead a longer recovery period, more chances of infection, and all around increase in cost just doesn’t seem like that good of an idea.
True testament to why public health is such a socio-religio-politico-technologico-economic(o?) probem with no easy solutions.
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